OTblog ch. 4

“Even the smallest shift in perspective can bring about the greatest healing.” Joshua Kai

I believe this quote perfectly sums up how I managed to pull myself together and get through day by day during my current hiatus from my graduate program. As I mentioned in my previous post, I dealt with different emotions and barriers I was facing due to the greater roadblock that entered all our lives, COVID-19. My largest obstacle to face being that I was halted in my graduate program, to spend my fall quarter (sept – dec) sitting around waiting for a potential fieldwork placement. In MSOT programs, we complete two Level II fieldworks in different settings where we have the opportunity to culminate all the experience, research, and lectures we obtained during our didactic courses and apply them into actual patient care. It’s a true test for us, namely as we face the dreaded ‘imposter syndrome’, each day we enter into our fieldwork, questioning our abilities, skill sets, and passion for our potential career that we are so close to achieving. Daunting isn’t it? 

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