OTblog ch. 2

Hi friends, it’s been so long since I wrote a blog post but I figured with how life has been treating us lately, I wanted to blog regarding my life’s current update. The year 2020 has brought the largest change like no other. The world was hit with a global pandemic known as COVID-19. Around the end of March, the world went into shut-down and self-quarantine. It definitely created a huge stir to our sense of. “normalcy”.

About my picture
Each cohort at LLU gets their own photo up on our department’s hallway. In our photos, we are performing an occupation we love or chose to engage in during that quarter. Brief background on mine, I love dancing and began ballet at the age of 4. It was the only sport/extra-curricular activity I stuck with all the way until I graduated high school. I miss it now even though I wasn’t spectacular, nor did I have the feet or height to become a prima ballerina. But I love it. And that’s what I wanted to represent. Occupations provide our lives with meaning and purpose. As an OT, we are here to help individuals continue to engage in their meaningful occupations despite conditions or circumstances that may have prevented them otherwise. We provide hope and meaning.

Spring Quarter
I wanted finals and class online at first. However, it wasn’t until my 2nd week or so of spring quarter via Zoom, that I realized how much I miss in-person classes. I can’t speak for all but for me personally, I miss seeing and sitting next to my friends. I miss sitting in the cafeteria and chatting on our life updates. Group meetings were so much easier to coordinate and discuss lol. I’m just wondering will I be finishing my didactic quarter all via Zoom? Our classes this quarter focus on leadership & advocacy, service learning, research, and spirituality. Probably one of the best quarters for online classes lol. I wouldn’t say I am gaining the most insight and applicable education needed for my potential career as an OT but I’m trying to keep an open mind. It does feel rather disappointing if the program we are planning and trying to implement for our junior high students in the summer doesn’t work out. I think one of the best moments of OT school has been the hands-on fieldwork opportunities we were able to receive. We only have one more quarter left (summer) before we head off into fieldwork.

At this rate, I’m not even sure if our cohort will be able to participate in our required Level II fieldworks. Many locations are not accepting students due to high risk of potential risk and threat of their patients’ conditions. I worry that graduation and me getting licensed will be pushed back further and further. I also wonder, what will this mean in terms of job opportunities? OTs are necessary in certain fields such as SNF and inpatient rehab. However, for other fields such as school and out-patient, it’s all via telehealth. It’ll be interesting to see how we’ll all enter the job field based on how society is at the time.

Fears of the future
I have to say, I’m not sure if I feel truly equipped to be an OT. It’s hard to remember the data, facts, diagnosis, precautions, etc. Every time I enter I practical, my heart pounds so loudly, my cheeks light up, and my voice actually quivers lol. I think to myself, how am I actually going to be able to do this.. But I guess that’s with all things in life. There’s a learning curve. You have to put your best foot forward and know you’re qualified to do the job you’re meant to do. You’ll make mistakes for sure. But as long as we quickly learn, adapt, and grow, that’s the only moment that you’ll be remembered for. At least, that’s what I’ll be telling myself once I can pass my boards and find a job lol.

Thanks for tuning in and as always, I’m free to chat on any of my social media! Esp if you’re curious about OT and our blossoming field 🙂

♡, candiceocheung

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